Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Did anyone just feel that earthquake?


Suz just wrote me from school and said she felt it too.



Process Observer said...

Wow, this seems like such common knowledge to everyone. I think I must have been sleeping in the shower . If I can't see wave across the floor it's just seems like a garbage truck is passing by.
Hey, great blog it's fantastic to hear positivity. Rota is a wonderous place.

Process Observer said...

Wow, this seems like such common knowledge to everyone. I think I must have been sleeping in the shower . If I can't see wave across the floor it's just seems like a garbage truck is passing by.
Hey, great blog it's fantastic to hear positivity. Rota is a wonderous place.

Anonymous said...

Hi - I'm an old friend of Suzanne's aunt Tina (not really old in years, just a friend from way back when - no, I guess I really am old!)

Anyway, I read on Tina's blog about the two of you moving to Rota. It sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity. Good luck to both of you.

A G Gatto said...

Hi, guys..



Bruce A. Bateman said...

Welcome to the Ring of Fire.